09 June 2012

Day One: June 8th, 2012

Day One:

The day started out at 3:00 am. I arrived at the airport at 3:30 on the airplane to Huston, Texas. I was busy completing my final preparations for my trip so I really did not get any sleep. I arrived at Huston with just enough time to grab a coffee and board the plane for Morelia, Michoacán. My total travel time thus far has been 7 hours. Upon my arrival in Morelia, I secured a taxi. This was much easier that I though because at the airport there was a little office where you go, state you destination. They give you the price and a ticket for the ride. I this case I was going to the Central Bus Terminal to grab a ride to Uruapan, my final destination.

At the bus terminal I was surprised that I needed my passport, and this caused some trouble because I had already secured it in one of my bags. So for about $10.00 US, I got my tickets and on to Uruapan where the sister (Sandra), mother and aunt of my good friend (Fanny) met me.  My total travel time was about right about 11 Hours. Now I really begin my three week adventure. We loaded my bags into the truck and off we went.

I was starving so I asked if we could eat right away. As we traveled around the city, it became very apparent that indeed Mexico is a 1st world country not what the typical American has as a Stereotype. So my first stop was a restaurant, well I call it a restaurant for lack of a better term. In this case in was a little place that was set up in what we would call a garage. It was clean, a bit cramped but the food was awesome. I just wish I could remember the name of the dish I had.  At this point it was on to the house I would be staying this night.

So, I unpacked. Then we sat a talked. Well at least tried. My Spanish is not good and they do not speak English. The dictionary really came in handy and much of what I learned in class is beginning to make sense. Needless to say my Spanish has improved already. After chatting until dinner time, then off to another similar restaurant. This place was a true restaurant and again the food was awesome.

 Sandra and the bottles of German wine I brought her

After dinner we went to a pastelería, a bakery especially for cakes, the day before was Sandra's birthday and we were going to have a party! So, cake, awesome, beer and wine and an overall good time. I didn’t get to bed until about 11:00pm.


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