May 2nd, 2015 - RE-POST
From my now deleted Blog.
So I am planning another trip to Mexíco. My first step this time is going to be research, research, research. I am somewhat of a history and culture buff. I like learning about these things. I also enjoy natural beauty and as I discovered during my first trip to this area, it is chalk full of these things. So research is the key, not only to discover what exists in that area, but to learn more about it.
One thing I strongly want to learn more about is the once great P'urépecha (Tarascan) Empire . This once great empire date back to Mesoamerica and was an equal to the Aztec Empire. These indigenous people exist in this area today. For more about the P'urépecha see my tab "Ruins of the P'urépecha Empire".
Unfortunately the U.S. Department of State still warns against traveling to this area. In fact at this point the warnings are more stern than the last time I traveled here. You can view the current travel warnings by following this link. U.S. Department of State Travel Warnings - Mexico
This post will continue to be updated from time to time. Last update: 2 May 2015
P'urépecha Community:
SEMARNAT (Secrataría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales):
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